Dragon's Watch Wiki

The Home screen is the hub from where you access the game.

Main Icons (at the bottom of the screen)

Home Bottom


Heroes - is where you can view all the Heroes you currently have. There, you can fuse, evolve and sell them.

Quests - takes you to the World Map screen, from which you can go on Quests and set Watches.

Summon - Allows you to summon new Heroes, either at the Temple or the Tavern.

Arena - this is where you can play in real-time against other people.

Library - this shows you all the Heroes that you have collected since you started playing the game. Completing Hero Sets can bring great rewards!

Events - Sometimes the game runs special events - which can give you exclusive access to special quests, increased chances to summon certain heroes, or other time-limited rewards.

Shop - this is where you can buy gems, coins and bundles.

Runes - Runes allow you to upgrade your Heroes to make them more powerful. The Runes area will be opening in 2018.

Icons in Top Right of Screen

Home topright

Achievements - The tick icon takes you to the Goals and Achievements screen. Completing your Daily Missions, or unlocking Achievements results in gifts to collect here. If there's a gift to be collected, there will be a red dot on the icon.

Inbox - Sometimes, the game admins will need to contact you, either with information or with a gift.

Settings - Control the volume and language settings, connect to Facebook or contact customer support.

Current Squad

In the middle of the screen, you can see the squad you most recently used in a quest. Tapping on one of the squad members will bring up their Hero Card. You can't change your squad here - that's done before you enter a Quest, on the Team Select screen.

Regular Gifts


Home gifters

goblin, winged pig and hooded dragon bring you regular gifts of ale, coins and gems. If there's an icon above their heads, you can tap it to collect your gift. If there's not, a timer will show you how long you have to wait for the next gift.

Displays on Top Left

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The top left display shows your player level (and a bar showing how close you are to the next level),
